Fernando Bruno Godinho Marques Carvalho

Country of Origin: Portugal

Profession: Accountant

How long have you been staying in Poland during your Erasmus? 10 months

Erasmus is a great time for traveling around and getting to know the culture better. Which three places from Poland do you recommend and why?

Warsaw, because it is the most developed city and you can see that Poland is a developed country, not so poor or undeveloped as you could think, just because it is Eastern Europe. Maybe it is a stereotype about Poland.

Krakow, because it is beautiful, touristic and close to Zakopane (to show very traditional love of Polish people – mountains – it was a surprise for me because in Portugal everybody gives much more importance to the seaside than to the mountain side.)

Auschwitz, where you can see how history was cruel for Poles and Poland and how two bad neighbors can be a big problem if you are in the middle.

Also, I would recommend a visit to the Mazury area where there are a lot of lakes, green fields and nice landscapes.


What surprised you most while visiting Poland?

By order of impact; the beauty of the women; the degradation of the buildings facades; the anti-foreigners feeling of some people; the difference of the food related to what I got used to, and the cold climate.


  1. Do Polish students like to study hard or are they more into the party scene?

From what I saw I would say – party more… But, Erasmus is not the best point of view for a correct opinion.


  1. What do you think about the educational system in Poland?

From my experience, Erasmus is very easy. I liked that it was easy for me, but I would rather change it. Many Erasmus students are now coming here just because it is easy to study, it is cheap and there are pretty girls in Poland. OK with the other two, but they should not make it so easy for Erasmus. I guess they do it for money. The more Erasmus students come to Poland, the more money they receive.


  1. How are people different compared to your country of origin?

In Poland when you say hello you shake hands, even with girls. In Portugal we give 2 kisses.

Polish girls are prettier, but the guys are uglier and stronger.

We have bigger traditions with food. It is more important for us and is deeply connected with our culture. Here, I do not see this connection. People here talk bad about their own country and they admit they don’t like it, because of some reason or another. That is a very wrong way of thinking because if you don’t like your own country who will like it?


  1. Is there anything special you would like to share related to Poland or Polish students or teachers?

Poland is very nice country.


  1. How has your stay in Poland influenced your future plans?

I came to study for 10 months and I have now lived here for more than 2 years.


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