AIESEC is the largest international non-governmental, independent, apolitical, non-for-profit student run organization. Members of AIESEC are interested in current world issues, leadership as well as in management. AIESEC does not discriminate anyone against race, gender, sexual orientation, religion and ethnic or social background. AIESEC branches are present in major academic centers in 113 countries, which bring together more than 86 000 young people from all over the world.

The core activities of the organization since its foundation in 1948, is to promote intercultural understanding and tolerance in the framework of the International Programme of AIESEC Internships, both professional and volunteering. Throughout activities undertaken on a local level at AIESEC branches as well participation on internships abroad, students have the opportunity to develop professional competences such as entrepreneurship, social responsibility, ability to work in an international team and pro-activity.

Local branch of AIESEC in Lodz is one of 18 branches throughout the country. Founded in 1978, it continuously focuses university students. In 2005, the Lodz branch of AIESEC won an international prize awarded Gold Quality Exchange by AIESEC International. This prestigious award for organizing the internship placement of the best quality receive only three committees in the world.



More information on AIESEC and AIESEC Lodz


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