Author: Joanna Pater

Koordynator sekcji Nauka. Zajmuje się także angielskim interfejsem Link to Poland. Aktualnie mieszka w Norwegii, w kraju w którym zakochała się wiele lat temu i w którym odnalazła swoje miejsce na ziemi.

Data from 2011 census reveals 546,000 people in England and Wales speak Polish.

Polish is now the main language spoken in England and Wales after English and Welsh, according to 2011 census data released by the Office of National Statistics.

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If we conduct surveys asking random people on the street of the most famous Polish name from the world of science and technology, the most common answer would probably be Maria Curie-Sklodowska, Copernicus or even Lucjan Łagiewka. But one of the outstanding Polish scientists is a little less known, but just as brilliant as the previously mentioned – Jan Czochralski.

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