Dzień dobry! – Tag Guten ! – Morning Good !

I would like to present you my book called „Expedition to the Poles”.

It is a collection of short stories about the Polish mentality selected from my previous books on Poles, which have only been published in Polish and German. They included “Polska da się lubić” / “Viva Polonia” and “Expedition zu den Polen. Eine Reise mit dem Berlin-Warszawa-Express” / “Berlin-Warszawa-Express. Pociąg do Polski.”

With the help from an English writer I have prepared this new version of my stories in English, describing Poles in a humorous way: starting from superstitions to the art of paying compliments.

The book is available mainly as an e-book. I hope it will make English-speaking people like their Polish neighbours even more and that Poles will enjoy reading stories about themselves.

The book is available in the epubli online bookstore: „Expedition to the Poles”

Cheers, Steffen Möller


Click on the book cover and read a sample:


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