“Teraz Polska” Competition is addressed to entrepreneurs who offer consumers the highest quality products and services and who operate in a modern and innovative way. For the last 25 years the competition’s main objective was to promote the Polish economy. “Teraz Polska” Emblem is a unique distinction which, if used in the right way, helps to build the brand and strengthen the market position successfully. The recognition that the Emblem enjoys among Poles makes companies receiving it stand out against their competitors.

Every year all applications are evaluated by Expert Councils. Similarly to previous years, the applications included products and services as well as municipalities, research institutes and   companies that develop and execute innovative projects. The main verification criteria for products and services include quality, inventiveness, usefulness, customer satisfaction, sales volume and potential market. This year there were over 100 applications registered.

This year’s edition of the competition is characterised by an exceptionally high level. Only two applications were rejected and nearly half of them received 900 out of 1000 possible points already in the expert verification stage – says Michał Lipiński, “Teraz Polska” Competition Director.

Similarly to previous years, the majority of applications were sent by the food sector but there were also representatives of the construction or industrial chemicals.

Although it is already the 25th edition of the competition, we are constantly surprised by the business creativity of Poles. We received a few unique and original applications, such as a production process management and optimisation programme (“cyber eye”) or a ceramic tile collection designed by Maciej Zień – sums up Michał Lipiński.

Out of all the applications that were positively verified the Expert Council selected:

  • 48 products
  • 15 services
  • 5 innovations
  • 4 municipalities

that have been nominated to the Polish Promotional Emblem in this year’s “Teraz Polska” Competition.

The nominees presented themselves to the “Teraz Polska” Competition Chapter on 27 April 2015 during the exhibition at the National Stadium. The jury, which consists of nearly 30 authorities representing social, cultural, economic, academic and political life and is chaired by Professor Michał Kleiber, selected the winners by casting their votes.

The laureates of the “Teraz Polska” and the “Outstanding Pole” Competition will be announced on 8 June 2015 during the Gala Concert at the Polish National Opera Theatre.


The Foundation of the Polish Promotional Emblem „Teraz Polska”

Photo © Maciej Chojnowski


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