The most popular Polish free online library Wolne Lektury (Free Readings) has already gained the audience of 4,5 million users. Since its launch in 2007 it was published over 2650 literary texts.

The Foundation constantly develops tools for digitalizing and releasing books in various formats: XML, HTML, PDF, MOBI,EPUB, FB2 and via mobile applications, OPDS catalog, OAI-PMH protocol and open API.

Wolne Lektury developed web software for publishing fully semantic educational materials and an editing platform to prepare them for release. All of the software is freely available under the GNU AGPL licence.

Wolne Lektury is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 2200 literary texts include set of readings recommended by the Ministry of National Education from public domain. All the texts are adequately edited – annotated with footnotes and motifs. The library also contains a few hundred audiobooks in MP3 and Ogg Vorbis formats. Books are also available in DAISY format suiting the needs of people with poor vision, the blind, and those having reading difficulties.

Wolne Lektury is a pro bono project developed in cooperation with Polish digital libraries – the National Library, the Library of Silesia and the Library of Elbląg, Ossolineum, under the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the Assocciation of Polish Writers auspices. The majority of books in the library are free of copyright and are in the public domain, which means that they can be freely published and redistributed.

Additional materials (footnotes, literary motifs, etc.) are available under the licence Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike. The Foundation also publishes several texts dedicated to the public domain by their authors or copyright owners under the licence Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike.

Illustrations © Wolne Lektury

More information on: Wolne Lektury


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