Żubry – Polonia Youth Vienna – it is the first association decided to unite the young Polish diaspora in Vienna. Since the beginning of the year 2009, once a month, we have organized the thematic evenings connected with our beloved homeland. The list of events covers for instance Polish movies’ and Polish sport news’ display, the evenings of Polish cuisine, sport events, celebration of Polish Christmas as well as creative thematic parties for young people.
We mainly attract people from the academic environment. These are persons, who were born here, and who either came to Austria to work or to study as the exchange students. We want these meetings to help in keeping our Polish culture and customs alive abroad as well.
Members of the board- Żubry – Polonia Youth Vienna:
Benjamin Paliwoda, Chairman, benjamin.paliwoda@zubry.at
Michalina Kossakowska, Vice Chairman, michalina.kossakowska@zubry.at
Bianca Paliwoda, Secretary, bianca.paliwoda@zubry.at
Diana Resetar, Treasurer, diana.resetar@zubry.at
Contact: info@zubry.at
Oficial fanpage: Zubry Vienna
Oficial forum: Zubry Vienna