I am one of those people, who do not like to follow the crowd. I was born in 1986. For 11 years I have worked as a hairdresser, and outside work I am a traveller with dreams; in reality, my head is still full of ideas during working hours too. I never turned down the opportunity to travel when I could. I drive … into the unknown, gain new experience, to meet – to live. I have always been sensitive to the beauty of nature, and big cities have always overwhelmed me of course, they are full of museums, attractions, clubs and cafes – but usually I’m more bored in them.

Today I know that, if not my passion for travelling, I would be a very different person. Travelling allows you to see life from the perspective of the world, not just one country. At a certain stage, you can call yourself  a citizen of the world, not just a closed area with boundaries.


My forthcoming journey begins on May 25 in Alaska, and has two goals. Of course, I want to visit many great miracles of nature, meet people, see other places, other cultures. This is what I love to do. I’m going to:

– Visit Denali National Park (Alaska)

– Meet a moose

– Visit Yosemite National Park

– See the Grand Canyon

– Stand at the foot of the pyramids in Mexico

– Meet a shaman in the Amazon

– Get to the highest point of Machu Picchu

– Take a ride on the world’s largest saltwater lake (in Bolivia)

– Measure the heights of the Andes  peaks

– Survive an encounter with the Atacama

– Cross Patagonia

I want to cover the whole route on a bicycle taken from Poland, and of course,  made in Poland. Inspired by the movie “Into the Wild”, I’m starting at the same place as the movie hero (Fairbanks) to direct my handlebars south and keep straight on for 30,000 km.

When travelling, you always have to deal with unexpected situations arising from fate, the forces of nature, and of loneliness. This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know myself. It is so easy for us to evaluate each other, but when we need to look at ourselves – we prefer not to see the truth. The second and most important goal of this expedition is to explore myself, and to write down my discoveries in one piece, so that I can share the acquired knowledge with you.

Each of us has a natural freedom, but we have a tendency to hide behind masks, which we prefer not to acknowledge. I’m going to discover mine, tear it off, and stand facing life, naked as I was born. During the journey, I will write a book about my private experiences, about the nature of man, and after returning I’m going to give it the same name as the project. I hope that my experience will convince readers to find their own path to inner freedom, to notice their masks, to abandon them, and to live and play LIFE.


During the journey you can read about me on FB fanpage or on my blog: Pursuit of Inner Freedom

The journey will be held under Link to Poland media patronage.


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