The folk culture – cheerful dances and familiar songs, provincial anachronism or perhaps the way of emphasizing national identity in a globalized world? Whatever it is, it still induces great emotions, and the history of Folklore Study for Instructors of Polish Teams in Lublin proves that it is raison d’être, and has a wide range of fans.

The curriculum of Folklore Study for Instructors of PolishTeams at Maria Curie-Sklodowska University include such subjects as Polish national and regional dances, contemporary Polish culture and singing. Students share a passion for singing and folk dancing. They come to Lublin from all over the world in order to gain practical knowledge about the folklore and receive the title of Polish folk dance instructor under the supervision of first-class professionals.

The study was established in the mid-seventies of XX century at the initiative of Stanislaw Leszczynski – a well-deserved activist for the benefit of Polish folklore. During 38 years, more than 3.5 thousand people graduated from the study and they became dancers or choreographers all over the world.

The requirements of participation in the study include physical fitness, dance experience and good ear for the music, and in addition, the knowledge of the Polish language, because according to Stanislaw Leszczynski “It cannot be that the Polish dance instructor is someone who does not speak Polish.” Age does not matter, therefore it is not surprising that both young people and those in their fifties are subjected for study fever. Dance classes last from eight to ten hours a day, seven days a week. Many people cannot stand that pace. However, injuries and exhaustion does not have negative impact on the motivation of students captivated by the beauty of Polish folklore and three years in a row they devote a whole month in order to learn Polish folk dances. After leaving the study and coming back to different parts of Europe and world, they cultivate Polish culture and tradition. Folklore Study in Lublin gives not only the opportunity of improving dance skills and practising the language but also it results in receiving a diploma of reputable Polish Study. You are welcome!

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