How to get from Modlin Airport to Warsaw City Centre?
Additional information/ Timetable
Bologna, Brussels, London, Oslo, Roma and Stockholm are only a few of the 30 different destinations from which you might fly from to Warsaw. Below useful information on how to get there from Modlin Airport.
Purchase your ticket at Koleje Mazowieckie stand
Once you reach Modlin Airport you could purchase an “Airport Ticket”, which costs 19PLN (approximately 4 Euro) and allows you to travel by bus to Modlin station and to a chosen station in Warsaw by train at the Koleje Mazowieckie stand (in front of the exit door). This ticket allows you to travel to the Modlin train station, (the ride is less than 10 minutes). From there you will go directly to Warsaw city centre. It will take you about 45 minutes to reach Warsaw city centre.
The train is equipped in an audio-visual system which shows all of the intermediary stations including Warsaw Central. Moreover, the system announces all of the other passing stations. Additionally, the train service provides you a comprehensive information. Information is also available on the said stand where you can buy a ticket, as well as the railway station Modlin (on posters with the timetable of trains).
In order to avoid confusion, look for the train in the direction of ‘Warsaw Okecie airport’ which it goes through the Warsaw city centre as well.
If you plan to travel around Warsaw, from the station Warsaw Central you can walk to Subway station called Centrum (10 minutes).
Further questions?
In case of any additional questions regarding the connections from Polish airports we are glad to help you: office [@] or skype: linktopoland
Enjoy your stay in Poland!
Additional information/ Timetable
Photo © Jacek Chlebowski
Route map published by Modlin Airport