As part of the “Multipoetry” project, during the first week of every month, on the wall of the Potocki building, poems from the members of the Creative Cities Network’s literary cities: Dublin, Edinburgh, Iowa City, Krakow, Melbourne, Norwich, and Reykjavik, will be projected. Everyday a poem from a different city will be presented in Polish and English.
The poetry projection project was started in this spot by the Poemat Foundation in 2002. The project began as part of the “366 poems in 365 days” initiative organized by Michał Zabłocki. In central tourist locations in Krakow and Warsaw, on the facades of two buildings, every day throughout the year, 366 of Zabłocki’s poems were projected. This was a world premiere of an entire volume of poetry presented in a one-of-a-kind fashion: on a wall. From this point forward, poetry has been everpresent on the facade of the building at the corner of the Main Square and Bracka St.
The concept of this project is an ideal fit with the strategy of the UNESCO Cities of Literature, whose key goal is to build and strengthen international cooperation. The idea was born during the international conference “Creative Cities and Regions”, which took place in Krakow, October 2012, as part of the Reading Malopolska project. This is the first project organized on this scale together with all the UNESCO Cities of Literature, since the release of the short films prepared in May of this year as part of the 75th anniversary celebrations of the legendary book “Finnegans Wake” by James Joyce.
Read more about the poems and the poets here.
In order to participate in the project, go here.
The organizers of this project are the Krakow Festival Office and the Poemat Foundation.
Partners of the project: UNESCO Cities of Literature, including Dublin, Edinburgh, Iowa City, Melbourne, Norwich, and Reykjavik
Source: Krakow UNESCO City of Literature
Photo © Poemat Foundation.