Currently, engineers, IT professionals, programmers and doctors are being sought in the German labour market. Also, the Federal Employment Agency (BA) claims there is a lack of specialists in technical occupations from the energy industry, such as fitters, plumbers or locomotive drivers. The energy industry is currently experiencing a big boom! With a diploma recognised in the country, finding a job in accordance to the education and skills is much easier, or at least very much possible.

A German law made official on the first of April, 2012, regulates professions nostrification which means the possibility of accepting qualifications gained abroad (Berufsqualifikationsfeststellungsgesetz, BQFG, so-called Anerkennungsgesetz). The law allows inference on the evaluations and recognition of professional qualifications in Germany. It especially concerns occupations in which access is established by regulations passed on the federal level (there is also a list of professions for which inference is not necessary).

For updates of our professional situations, the specialised website ”Anerkennung in Deutschland” may be of good use, but for work, going to an employment agency is necessary. If we decide to file an application, we should go to the appropriate institution. If we don’t know where to go, a special tool can help us by indicating the list of institutions after defining the profession and the destination of chosen job. The decision based on qualifications will be made within three months from the date of filing all the necessary documents. Laws may regulate the procedure differently depending on the required documents.

In the case of Polish citizens, the following should be filed:

– A CV in German

– An identity card or passport

– A certificate or high school diploma

– An employment or internship certificate

– A statement that the degree obtained abroad wasn’t an object of recognition procedure according to BQFG earlier

–  Other certificates (in case of further professional education)

You must pay for the whole procedure, with fees depending on the institution of federated states and Chamber of Commerce, as well as the amount of work while the application is being considered. However, people who receive unemployment benefits, or who are at risk of unemployment, may turn to the employment office (Arbeitsagentur), or the employment agency (Job Center) for recovery of the needed outlay.

We need to remember that the decision about lack of equivalence won’t close us from the German market. The deciding documents and qualifications contain major differences, but we can improve our skills in a particular direction through supplementary courses and exams which help us gain access to the professions as well as the program ”Integration through qualifications” (”Integration durch Qualifizierung”) in the regional offices in Germany.

The German market is open for us. The decision whether to work and live in this country belongs only to us.


Photo © Paul Sulżycki


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