Kowal is a good address

Kowal is not a big city. The town occupies an area less than 5 square kilometres and the number of its inhabitants is estimated at around 3,500. People’s safety is very important therefore in Kowal there is police station, fire department and ambulance service. Due to the high transit traffic Kowal, as one of the few towns in Poland on the main transport route between north and south, also has a bypass.


The town takes great pride in its history. King Casimir III was born exactly there in 1310. He was the only Polish monarch to be nicknamed “The Great” for his outstanding achievements in developing the country. The statue of him, which was funded by Kowal’s citizens, is the landmark of the town. Throughout the ages, Kowal was an administrative and judicial authority centre. Unfortunately, the town was severely damaged during the Swedish invasion in the XVII century. At the end of the XVIII century, the castle in Kowal was pulled down and the town was deprived of its town privileges in 1870. They were restored in 1919.

Until the outbreak of the Second World War, Kowal was the centre for commerce and handicraft. In the 1930s, the number of Kowal`s inhabitants consisting of people of Polish, Jewish and German origin increased to approximately 5000. The vast majority of Jews who lived in Kowal became Holocaust victims. Out of approximately fifteen-hundred, only 13 survived the displacement to ghettos and concentration camps.

Famous inhabitants of Kowal

The most famous of contemporary Kowal inhabitants is outstanding actor Jan Nowicki. He is known for his role in “Wielki Szu”. Mr. Nowicki maintains a constant and cordial relations with his native town. In many interviews, he very often stresses the importance of Kowal in his life. He became a kind of ambassador for the town.

 Contemporary Kowal

Kowal became a centre for services and commerce to the surrounding villages and settlements. It has a modern sewage system built from the ground up and combined with a water treatment plant. In comparison with other Polish towns, Kowal is distinguished by lots of green areas and parks. Many new inhabitants chose to settle down here. The number of houses in Kowal has increased by 30 percent in  recent years.


There are also some challenges to face by neat and well kept Kowal. One of them is to gain the investors. In Kowal there live so many unemployed people, nevertheless, they are often well-educated. Thanks to investors their life can definitely improve, and Kowal would look calmly into its future. The city authorities are friendly to investors. In a small Kowal there are areas that can be used in environment friendly business activity. There is also the possibility of significant tax preferences.

See pictures gallery

Kowal website





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