Widely commented on in the last month’s issue of shale gas stimulates the imagination of each Pole for one simple reason – a chance to become a powerhouse of energy in the region. In this it conceals other potential benefits; to free ourselves from depending on the part of Russia, the new jobs, as well as a significant increase in economic matters. It is estimated that about one third of shale gas resources in Europe are within Poland which gives an idea of how much benefit from its eventual extraction. However, it is necessary to raise some very crucial questions.

First, is the current state of drilling technology worth risking any damage to nature? During the process of obtaining shale gas, a huge amount of water mixed with hamful chemicals is pumped, and only 20% -60% is recoverable, which means that from 80% to 40% of these substances become part of the soil.  Another problem is the damage to the wells which pump the water and through which water mixed with chemicals seeps directly into the ground at a relatively shallow depth. Failure rate of new wells is 5%, and in 20 years it is estimated that as many as 60% of all wells fail.

Another issue is the financial benefits.  If shale gas is to bring financial benefits to Poland, why are royalties on production  in our country from 1% to 2.5% of the corporate income tax ratio of 19%, whereas in the U.S. they amount to 18% -25% with tax income 35 % to 40%?  Another astonishing fact that the prices for are land for mining. In the U.S., they amount to about $ 150 for an untested area to as much as $ 30,000 for  land of the highest quality. In Europe, the most expensive price is 55 cents for are, in Poland from 3 to 25 cents for are. The Polish government  is also obliged to deliver water used in the shale gas extraction process for free. These entire facts make the whole enterprise seem to be beneficial for everyone except our country.

The last problem is the protests. In principle, there should be no problem in expressing  one’s concerns or strong dissatisfaction with the fact that the use of such a dangerous nature- like fracturing process in Poland, but every vote negating that shale gas as the energy future of our country is definitely silenced.  To give the evidence is sufficient to quote the words of Deputy Minister for the Environment Bernard Blaszczyk: „The Polish government will do everything to prevent protests that could stop the extraction of shale gas.” Quite strong and disturbing words in the context of the legal way to express one’s opposition.

The fact is that shale gas may be a chance, one of the largest in the history of our country, but do not forget that at the same time may be the biggest threat. Energy security and competitiveness in the region are very important, but nothing is more important than ensuring the stability of nature and future generations.


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