3,800 new jobs will be created for highly qualified professionals in Poland within top five investment projects with the highest number of new jobs that were completed in 2015 by Polish Infomation and Foreign Investment Agency. When speaking of the top sectors supported by the Agency, the biggest number of investments were completed in Research and Development sector, automotive industry, and Business Service Sector that also includes ICT. In terms of countries, Polish Infomation and Foreign Investment Agency portfolio has been dominated by projects from the US (17 investments) and from Germany (8 completed investments).

In 2015, Polish Infomation and Foreign Investment Agency has observed new trends in investments projects coming to Poland. There has been a significant shift in the list of countries that invest the most with Polish Infomation and Foreign Investment Agency suport. Except US and Germany the third place regarding the number of FDI projects in the Agency portfolio is held ex aequo by South Korea and Poland. Polish Infomation and Foreign Investment Agency has also recorded a return of Japanese investors to Poland as well as an increase of the interest in Poland by Italian companies that was influenced by successful presence of Poland during the recent EXPO2015 exhibition in Milan.

According to Iwona Chojnowska-Haponik head of Foreign Investment Department in Polish Infomation and Foreign Investment Agency, one can also observe some new trends in location of investments in Poland. “Opolskie province is entering the game. This is a result of the last year’s VW investment near Poznań and an inflow of automotive suppliers to the neighbouring provinces”. Comparing to 2014, the present year has been shaped by smaller, however more “exclusive” investments of the automotive sector. Although, none of them had the similar value of VW’s, they delivered big group of new jobs mostly for highly skilled employees.

“We also see a significant increase of co-called brownfield investments, Chojnowska-Haponik added. Over 30% of investment completed in 2015 by PAIiIZ were located in Special Economic Zones. It is a proof that investors are increasingly interested in investment incentives. They are also look for production halls available in the zones.

Polish Infomation and Foreign Investment Agency president Sławomir Majman is optimistic when speaking of the nearest future of FDI in Poland. As he said, there should not be any declines in investments. “Polish Infomation and Foreign Investment Agency consistent work on further improvement of the investment climate in Poland provides impressive and long-term effects, Majman added.

Currently, Polish Infomation and Foreign Investment Agency supports 186 ongoing investment projects which jointly can generate 38,495 new jobs in the future. It is 21% more than in the same period last year. “Investors are very interested in doing business in Poland. But on the other hand their expectations and needs are growing. They look for more sophisticated and complex investment service in our country, said Mr Majman forecasting trends that will shape the investment landscape of Poland in 2016.


Source: Polish Infomation and Foreign Investment Agency

Graphics © PAIiIZ


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