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Dead Vlei (Dead Valley) is locates in the Sossussvlei National Park. “Vlei” is a bottom of a dried-out lake. The harsh climate of this place is a natural means of conservation of acacia trees which died a few centuries ago. The volume of rainfall in the area is very low, as it is even less than 5 mm per year on the coast, to 85 mm deeper inland. Morning mist (which stretches for even up to 50 kilometres) is the only source of water for the local fauna and flora.

At last!!! September 2, 2012. After nine months of generating ideas, drawing up a plan, searching for sponsors, contacts, people of good will, organizing the expedition, I am standing in the doorway of a plane to Paris, both full of excitement and stressed at the number of things that could go wrong when you least expect it.