The first language of a Deaf client is Polish Sign Language – it has different grammar and syntax, distinct from Polish. That is the reason why Deaf people have such difficulties when communicating, via writing, with hearing people- and the other way around, hearing people also encounter problems with understanding the specific word order, in which Deaf usually write. To have an effective communication pen and paper are not enough…

migam-telefonTo eliminate this communication barrier, Migam launched the Migam Interpreter – a service which enables instant video access to a Sign Language interpreter, via a Web browser, mobile application, or any device equipped with a camera and Internet access based on a dedicated system by Altar.

The firm offers this service on the market in B2B2C model – to business clients to make them able to communicate with their deaf customers. Migam works on development of this solution by creating an automatic sign language translator.

Using the strength of marketing activities Migam not only attracts new deaf customers for its business clients but also the firm educates hearing people about the Deaf minority. Migam educates and activates hearing and Deaf communities by social projects like: sign language education, sign language interpretation of Khan Academy educational movies and many others.

Let’s spread the Deaf respect!


Source: Migam

Photos © Marcin Oliva Soto


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