We are approaching the celebrations of the 76th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, which united British and Polish pilots in the common struggle against the ominous Nazi threat. The fierce aerial battle between the RAF and the German Luftwaffe was crucial to the Allied triumph over the Third Reich. During those events Polish pilots established an unparalleled reputation for courage, commitment and extraordinary effectiveness in combat.

On the 15th of September, the organisation Hurricane of Hearts (HoH) has ensured that at Polish stores, service establishments and institutions across London – you will be able to find stickers with a white and red chequered pattern. This sign is a timeless symbol of Polish pilots who fought in the ranks of the RAF to defend the borders of their ally, Britain.

If you affix that sticker in a visible place, you will have the opportunity to pay tribute to the wonderful people who positively influenced the fate of the Second World War, and secondly, you can invite a conversation about those events with others who see it.

Recently, there has been considerable debate about immigration in the UK, its importance and impact on quality of life in Britain. The stickers are also a way to remind the public that without the Poles’ dedication, fortitude and ability, Britain, as we know it today may not exist.

Poles live, work and pay taxes in this country and they want their adopted nation to develop and flourish with their help. 76 years ago, the Poles came here and fought shoulder by shoulder with the Brits in the defence of Britain, and for the freedom of wider Europe from tyranny and barbarism. Let’s make this beautiful story come alive once again and receive proper evaluation by our generation and contemporary culture.

This is not the first time that Hurricane of Hearts has started such a movement to generate awareness of past events and their relevance to the present.

Over the years, HoH under the leadership of Dagmara Chmielewska, has been fostering and greatly enhancing Polish-British relations. The latest exciting project that HoH are involved in, is a film uncovering the story of remarkably brave Polish pilots of 303 Squadron, whose contributions proved decisive in the Battle of Britain. Stay tuned.


More information on: Hurricane of Hearts | FB

Polish pilots


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