Author: Marek Gała

Współtwórca portalu i koordynator Działu Studenci. Absolwent kierunków: Gospodarka Przestrzenna, Finanse i Rachunkowość oraz International Marketing po angielsku na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim. Jego pasją są sport i podróże. Brał udział w wielu zagranicznych wymianach, tj. studia w Turcji, praktyki w Grecji, wolontariat w Chinach. Człowiek dla którego nie ma rzeczy niemożliwych.

Planned to last for a period of six months, the archeological work in the Eastern part of the Cracow Market Square commenced in the summer of 2005, However, the scale and importance of the discoveries made the work to last for another 5 years. This fact should not be a surprise as the Cracow Main Square grounds have witnessed over a thousand years of the town’s history.

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The series called “Foreign eyes on Poland” presents the profiles of people who have any connection to Poland or who have found their home in Poland, or just a favorite place for vacation where they like to return. We will be asking them questions like; what surprised them the most and how the Poles are perceived by foreign eyes; how Poland differs from their country of origin; and whether the behavior of people is different? We will ask them many other issues. Today Daniel from Spain.

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Present in over 113 countries, with over 86,000 members, AIESEC is the world’s largest youth-run organisation. Focused on providing a platform for youth leadership development, offers young people the opportunity to be global citizens, to change the world, and to get experience and skills that matter today.

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The series called “Foreign eyes on Poland” presents the profiles of people who have any connection to Poland or who have found their home in Poland, or just a favorite place for vacation where they like to return. We will be asking them questions like; what surprised them the most and how the Poles are perceived by foreign eyes; how Poland differs from their country of origin; and whether the behavior of people is different? We will ask them many other issues. Today Patricia from Brazil.

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