Browsing: Culture

Welcome to the 7th edition of the European Festival of Flavours, which will take place in Lublin from September 2-6, 2015. This special edition is dedicated to Georgia, one of the Eastern Partnership countries. The star of the festival is Katie Melua, who will sing on Thursday, September 3 at the Lublin Arena. Supporting her will be Mela Koteluk, the charismatic singer who is now number one on the Polish music scene.

The festival is held under Link to Poland’s media patronage.

An exhibition mounted by the State Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw will familiarize Chinese audiences with Poland’s ethno-design, or modern design inspired by folk art. The event’s patron is the Polish Institute in Beijing.

Viola organista – extraordinary bowed piano invented by Da Vinci – has been constructed in Poland by musician Sławomir Zubrzycki. Now he wants to release first ever CD album with solo viola organista recital. To do that Zubrzycki is going to launch a Kickstarter campaign  with goal of $10,000 on July 21st, 2015.

Jonathan Franzen – one of the most important American novelists, Hooman Majd – a cult Iranian-American writer, Wiesław Myśliwski – the double winner of the Nike Literary Prize, and Hanna Krall – a legendary Polish reporter are the first guests of the 7th Conrad Festival. This year’s most important literary event in Central Europe will take place in Krakow from the 19th till the 25th of October.