Browsing: Migration

Together-Razem Centre has been running the Voting Together information campaign since 10th of October 2013. Its main goal is to encourage all EU citizens living in Cork region to register in the Local Council as a voter for the Local Government Elections and also European Parliament Elections to be held in 2014.

There were two important Polonia events in Denver last weekend – inauguration of the new office of Pangea Alliance and a celebration of the Independence Day in Polish Club in Denver.

„Vote! You are at home” campaign has been launched in Ireland today to encourage participation in Irish local elections. The campaign in targeting mainly the Polish community in Ireland but also provides information on the local elections to all on

The history of the Polish Diaspora in the northern part of Italy is not just one story. There are many historical motifs. This is what has attracted Poles to this beautiful country and still does. It is a delight in the rich culture and its natural beauty. Poles have been drawn to the beauty of this country over the centuries. In the rich history of Italy there were moments in which mainly Polish history took place rolled through these lands. This Polish history which took place beyond Polish borders has the same right to be venerated and cultivated as the history of our country.